Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Are antibiotics essential for the patient after hair transplantation surgery?

Hair transplantation is a complex and lengthy procedure that is especially designed for those patients who are bald or suffering from extensive hair loss. This surgery consist many steps and the patient have to care the newly transplanted hair. After the surgery, many doctors suggest so many antibiotics for the growth of new hairs. But it all depends upon surgeon’s way of treatment.

All hair transplant doctors are dissimilar from each other and run their practices in a unique and different manner. Because of this, all doctors give patients with an exclusive set of post-operative instructions as well. In these post-operative instructions, doctors also share their antibiotic instructions.

Some hair restoration doctors believe antibiotics are essential, and claim that not taking antibiotics after hair transplant surgery is an “unnecessary hazard.” While these doctors believe there is always some possibility of infection from the procedure itself (though this is usually very rare in condition), they declare the real risk comes from patients repeatedly touching the contributor area with unwashed hands during the premature healing phase.

But on the other hand, other doctors don’t believe that antibiotics are essential, because antibiotics do not provide any safety to patients after hair transplant surgery. These doctors state that there is no full confirm report and research, which is demonstrating lower rates of contamination and better results in hair transplant patients who take antibiotics versus those that do not. But if you take any good antibiotics then, it enhances your blood flow and the significant amount of blood flow to the scalp greatly reduces the chances of infection.