Sunday, 8 February 2015

Will medical hair loss drugs help to increase poor hair growth process after hair transplant surgery?

Many people face serious and hair loss problem that may lead to the permanent balding. While hair loss from stress, illnesses, poor diet and any surgical procedures may resolve on its own time, but other types of hair loss, such as male-pattern balding, may cause in everlasting loss of hair. Hair transplant is a surgical method that may assist to eliminate or remove bald patches of scalp by implanting donor hair grafts. 

According to the research, new hair growth line may take approximately six months to start looking normal and natural. But, if you have reached one year and you are observing that your hair transplant outcomes are not successful, the first thing you should do is to talk about your hair issues with your hair transplant surgeon. While it is a fact that some patients are slow growers and he should have seen the majority of new hair growth on scalp by this time. 

Though, hair density may boost up to a full 18 months post-op but, if you are still worried about your poor growth so, hair growth are typically enhanced to use the clinically proven and FDA approved medicines Propecia and Rogaine (minoxidil). These drugs increase your hair growth circle and you can see the result within a few weeks. Hair transplant surgeons normally advise patients to use these products earlier to and after surgical treatment in order to sustain the best hair transplant results.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing articles about hair growth process after Hair Transplant.
